You are currently viewing New Holland – Dragon’s Milk Reserve Cherry Chocolate Stout

New Holland – Dragon’s Milk Reserve Cherry Chocolate Stout

New Holland’s first Dragon’s Milk Reserve for 2018 is Cherry Chocolate, following last year’s Mocha Mint, and Salted Caramel (which I’ll link to below). In the meantime, New Holland’s commercial description for this beer is: “Introducing the next addition to our Dragon’s Milk Reserve series… Cherry Chocolate! We decided to combine these two classic flavors with the rich and creamy taste of Dragon’s Milk to create a delightfully smooth treat.”

Is it a worth addition to the Dragon’s Milk reserve line? There’s no better way to find out than to watch!

Dragon’s Milk Reserve Mocha Mint:

Dragon’s Milk Reserve Salted Caramel:


I love learning and I love craft beer, so why not bring the two together and bring you along too!

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