Greenbush Brewing Company – Mr. Hyde Coffee Stout

Mr. Hyde by Greenbush Brewing Company is a 7.8% stout in Sawyer, Michigan. Greenbush lists this as a creamy coffee stout, and it has full fledged coffee flavor in spades, but is it too much for a non coffee fan, and does that “creamy” flavor poke through in the darkness? Find out if you’re a Mr. Hyde, or if Dr. Jekyll is more your speed!


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Right Brain Brewery – CEO Stout – Coffee Stout Review

Right Brain Brewery’s CEO Stout is a coffee stout with just enough up front sweetness to draw you in, and the coffee kick to keep you coming back for more.

Right Brain is one of the most inventive brewers in Michigan, and they need to be to survive with the abundance of other great breweries in the Traverse City area. CEO Stout is one of their mainstays, and after this review I can see why. (more…)

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