Hopslam Old Vs New – How Does Aging a Year Effect this Double IPA?

Bell’s Hopslam is a Double IPA that Bell’s claims has a 3 month shelf life. How does the taste change if you hold onto it for more than 3 months? Today I’m opening a 1 year old Hopslam (2018) and conducting a side by side taste test versus a fresh 2019 Hopslam. Does aging this Double IPA really make that much of a difference, and how does a 2018 Hopslam hold up against a 2019 Hopslam? Watch this video for all of those questions to be answered!


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Bells – Barrel Aged Expedition Stout 2018

Bells Bourbon Barrel Aged Expedition stout, or BAE as it’s also known as, is the bourbon barrel aged version of their normal Expedition stout. The normal variety weighs in at just over 10%, and the bourbon barrel aged version bumps that heavyweight ABV to almost 13.5% – but, can a beer that’s already pretty good be enhanced by the BBA process? I take the challenge on today’s episode of Draft Therapy!


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Upper Hand Brewery – An IPA from the UP Division of Bell’s

Upper Hand Brewery might not be a brewery that you’ve heard of, but they have a heck of a pedigree. Upper Hand is a division of Bell’s and was founded by Larry Bell himself, with the mission of trying to brew beers with a lot of personality of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. So since this is an IPA, is it going to be like Bell’s Two Hearted? Watch to find out more!


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Bell’s Side Yard Ale

When I think of Bell’s beer, I think of more traditional styles, like Expedition Stout, Winter White and Two Hearted Ale. What I don’t think of is a New England Style IPA, and that’s exactly what I have here today – Bell’s first EVER!!! New England Style IPA, Side Yard Ale. They decided to not go too crazy with different hop varieties and stuck with Chinook hops, which were freshly harvested from their very own hop yard. This is a wet-hopped NE IPA, and those chinook hops went from harvest to boil in just 4 hours! Holy Logistics, Batman! So how did Bell’s do with their first NE IPA? Watch and find out!


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Bell’s Brewery – Sparkleberry – A Belgian Trippel with Raspberry

Bell’s Sparkleberry was initially brewed in 2013 to celebrate Kalamazoo Pride, and this year it was finally canned and distributed again, to commemorate 2018 Kalamazoo Pride. Sparkleberry is a American inspired Belgian Trippel with raspberry and it clocks in at 9%. Distribution is said to be June, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find this on shelves all throughout July as it’s just starting to hit it’s stride in stores.


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