Moving pictures, mostly talkies, but maybe a silent film here or there.
During the 2019 Michigan Brewer's Guild's Michigan Summer Beer Festival in Ypsilanti, Michigan - Travis Fritts joined me for a discussion about Old Nation Brewery, how Travis got his start…
The Hazebot Series of New England IPAs is a series of collaborations with Starving Artist Brewing in Ludington, Michigan, and assorted other breweries, such as Grand Armory, Pigeon Hill, Ludington…
II: The Prairie-Grass Dividing is the latest in Bell's Brewery's tribute to Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass literary masterpiece - and this time they're dropping a 4.5% ABV Gose Style…
Elephant Juice is a 7.2% New England Style IPA from Eastern Market Brewing Company in Detroit's historic Eastern Market. EMBC uses beautiful imagery on the label of their flagship new…
Dragon's Milk Reserve Maple Oak is an 11% Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout from New Holland Brewing Company in Holland, Michigan. This is the latest in New Holland's Dragon's Milk Reserve…