KBS Espresso is a 12% Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout, aged on esspresso beans from Founders Brewing Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and is Founders first KBS variant they’ve ever bottled. In this video I’ll also answer the question, “What’s the difference between KBS and KBS Espresso?” by tasting them side by side. Should you replace your morning coffee with a KBS Espresso? Watch to find out!

Founders Brewing Company – KBS Espresso Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout
- Post author:Sean
- Post published:December 7, 2019
- Post category:Reviews / Video Reviews / Videos
- Post comments:0 Comments
Tags: Barrel Aged Series, Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout, Espresso, Founders Brewing Company, Grand Rapids, KBS, Michigan, Stout, Video Review
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